1st February 2025
We’re looking for new trustees to expand our team!
The PMI board of trustees is looking to increase its membership.
If you are…
- passionate about UK ceramics.
- well established in Ceramics Manufacturing, materials and services, training or education.
- a proactive networker
- committed to improving the people, the products and the productivity of the UK Ceramic sector
… then you could be just the person we’re looking for.
Ideal candidates will add to the skillset of the current trustees and should be prepared to commit 2-3 hrs/week of their time, and to attend (in person or virtually) quarterly meetings.
Note- This is a voluntary non-remunerated role.
If you feel you could contribute, please get in touch via our Contact Us (above) or by direct email to pmiceramictrust@gmail.com in the first instance, to set up a call with one of the current trustees.